Songs for the Festival of Lights (2004)
Angel City Chorale has put together an extraordinary collection of Chanukah songs, both beloved traditional favorites and exciting original pieces, to light up your holidays with their boundless joy, poignant beauty, playful humor, and timeless magic. ACC has brought all of the wonderful spontaneity, energy and effervescence with which we perform live to this unique CD. This remarkable music will make your Chanukah celebration complete and kindle the warmth of the holiday in your heart as you light your candles for years to come.
1. S'vivon
2. Mi Zeh Y'maleil
3. Judah's Maccabees
4. Eight Days
5. Aleih Neiri / Rise Up, My Light
6. One
7. Al Hanissim -- Sing to God
8. Bashana Haba'ah
9. Y'mei Chanukah
10. Hallalujah, Amen -- from "Judah Maccabaeus"
11. Hanerot Halalu
12. I Have a Little Dreydel
13. Durme, durme
14. Chanukah Candle Blessing
15. Rock of Ages / S'vivon (Maoz Tsur / Hanukka Hymn)