Thank you for your interest in singing with Angel City Chorale. Please review the audition process and Frequently Asked Questions prior to contacting us about an audition*.
Audition process:
- Auditions take place at the music studio of our conductor and artistic director (Sue Fink) on the Westside. You will be given a call-time; however, we cannot guarantee a time slot, so please be prepared to wait if necessary. The audition itself lasts approximately 15 minutes.
- The audition will be with Sue and up to four musical advisors and choir members.
- To determine your vocal range, you will be asked to sing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” up and down a scale.
- You should come prepared to sing a song you feel best demonstrates your vocal talent. You may bring sheet music, sing from memory, sing a cappella or bring an instrument recording to sing with. Piano accompaniment can also be provided.
You will then be asked to do the following:
- Sight-read music provided
- Sing back a piano part to demonstrate your ability to learn by ear
- Tap out rhythms to show your rhythmic abilities
- Sing with other members to demonstrate how your voice blends as well as how well you hold your part against other vocal parts
Rehearsals are every Thursday from 7:30 – 10:00pm on the Westside (St. Andrews Lutheran Church near National and Barrington).
Dues of $245 are paid per season (there are 2 seasons per year) to cover the costs of running the chorale, such as music purchase and reproduction, publicity, CD production, rehearsal space, and piano accompaniment. There is a one-time music deposit of $25 which will be returned upon leaving the choir.
Tips to a successful audition:
- Audition with a song that best suits your voice and ability to stay on pitch.
- Strong sight reading, rhythmic skills, and the ability to blend in a choral setting. Requirements for sight reading can be somewhat relaxed if you are a strong soloist or are a Tenor or Bass. (Note: We generally have twice as many women as men auditioning)
- Read through our Audition FAQs.
If you would like to set up an audition time, please fill out the Audition Request Form.
We look forward to hearing from you!
*Must be 18 years or older.