Come sing with us!
Thank you for your interest in joining Angel City Chorale. We divide the year into two seasons:
SPRING: Generally starting in February and ending with concerts in June*
FALL/HOLIDAY: September through mid-December, with concerts usually the first weekend in December*
*COVID-19 has thrown a wrench into everything, so actual season and concert dates are subject to change.
We will contact you to confirm an audition date and time.
Start here: Please read about our audition process and FAQ, then fill out the Audition Request Form below. Before your audition, you will be asked to complete a Singer Information Form. Singers must be 18 years of age or older to audition.
Missed the season deadline? Be sure to still fill out the form below!
All Singers Welcome, especially Tenors and Basses!
Thursday, August 19
Sunday, August 22
Thursday, August 26
All singers must show proof of Covid vaccination. Angel City Chorale will follow strict protocols for singers per Los Angeles County Health Dept recommendations.
Auditions held at St. Andrews Church on National Boulevard, in the Mar Vista neighborhood of Los Angeles.
We will contact you with an audition date and time.
Start here: Please read about our audition process and FAQ, then fill out the Audition Request Form below. Before your audition, you will be asked to complete a Singer Information Form. Singers must be 18 years of age or older to audition.
Missed the season deadline? Be sure to still fill out the form below!
Thank you for your interest in singing with Angel City Chorale. Please review the Audition Process below and read the FAQ prior to contacting us about an audition. Singers must be 18 years of age or older to audition.
- Auditions will be held at St. Andrews Church on National Blvd in the Mar Vista neighborhood of Los Angeles. You will be given a call-time. However, we cannot guarantee your time slot, so please be prepared to wait if necessary. The audition itself lasts approximately 15 minutes.
- The audition will be with Sue and up to four musical advisors and choir members.
- To determine your vocal range, you will be asked to sing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" up and down a scale.
- You should come prepared to sing a song you feel best demonstrates your vocal talent. You may bring sheet music, sing from memory, sing a cappella or bring an instrument recording to sing with. Sue can accompany you if you wish. If you would like to have your own accompaniment, it should not have any other soloists and be available on your phone.
You will then be asked to do the following:
- Sight-read provided music
- Sing back a piano part to demonstrate your ability to learn by ear
- Tap out rhythms to show your rhythmic abilities
- Sing with other members to demonstrate how your voice blends as well as how well you hold your part against other vocal parts
Rehearsals are every Thursday from 7:30 - 10:00pm. The rehearsal space is to be determined, but it will be in West Los Angeles. Chamber and other small groups rehearse on Sunday afternoon or evening. There will be additional rehearsals to learn choreography, as well as sectionals and an all day (Saturday) rehearsal.
Dues of $195 are paid per season. There are 2 seasons per year. Dues cover the costs of running the chorale, including music purchase and reproduction, publicity, CD production, concert production, rehearsal space, and piano accompaniment. There is a one-time music deposit of $25 which will be returned upon leaving the choir.
- Audition with a song that best suits your voice and demonstrates your ability to stay on pitch.
- You must demonstrate strong sight reading, rhythmic skills, and the ability to blend in a choral setting.
- Requirements for sight reading can be somewhat relaxed if you are a strong soloist or are a Tenor or Bass. (Note: We generally have twice as many women as men auditioning.)
- Read through our Audition FAQs.
If you would like to set up an audition time, please fill out the Audition Request Form.
We look forward to hearing from you!