All singers welcome, especially Tenors and Basses!
Spring 2024 Audition Dates Announced Soon
All singers must show proof of Covid vaccination. Angel City Chorale will follow strict protocols for singers per Los Angeles County Health Dept recommendations.
Auditions held at St. Andrews Church on National Boulevard, in the Mar Vista neighborhood of Los Angeles.
We will contact you with an audition date and time.
Start here: Please read about our audition process and FAQ, then fill out the Audition Request Form below. Before your audition, you will be asked to complete a Singer Information Form. Singers must be 18 years of age or older to audition.
Missed the season deadline? Be sure to still fill out the form below!
All singers must show proof of Covid vaccination. Angel City Chorale will follow strict protocols for singers per Los Angeles County Health Dept recommendations.
Auditions held at St. Andrews Church on National Boulevard, in the Mar Vista neighborhood of Los Angeles.
We will contact you with an audition date and time.
Start here: Please read about our audition process and FAQ, then fill out the Audition Request Form below. Before your audition, you will be asked to complete a Singer Information Form. Singers must be 18 years of age or older to audition.
Missed the season deadline? Be sure to still fill out the form below!
All singers welcome, especially Tenors and Basses!
Thank you for your interest in joining Angel City Chorale. We divide the year into two seasons:
SPRING: Generally starting in February and ending with concerts in June
FALL/HOLIDAY: September through mid-December, with concerts usually the first weekend in December
Check back here for next audition dates.
Note that all singers must show proof of Covid vaccination. Angel City Chorale will follow strict protocols for singers per Los Angeles County Health Dept recommendations.
Start here: Please read about our audition process and FAQ, then fill out the Audition Request Form below. Before your audition, you will be asked to complete a Singer Information Form. Singers must be 18 years of age or older to audition.
Missed the season deadline? Be sure to still fill out the form below!
Thank you for your interest in singing with Angel City Chorale. Please review the Audition Process below and read the FAQ prior to contacting us about an audition. Singers must be 18 years of age or older to audition.
- Auditions will be held at St. Andrews Lutheran Church near National and Barrington in Los Angeles. You will be given a call-time; please show up early to check in. The audition itself lasts approximately 15 minutes.
- The audition will be with Sue and up to four musical advisors and choir members.
- To determine your vocal range, you will be asked to sing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" up and down a scale.
- You should come prepared to sing a song you feel best demonstrates your vocal talent. Audition with a song that best suits your voice and demonstrates what you can bring to the ensemble.
- You may bring sheet music, sing from memory, sing a cappella or bring an instrument recording to sing with. Sue can accompany you if you wish. If you would like to have your own accompaniment, it should not have any other soloists and be available on your phone.
You will then be asked to do the following:
- Sight-read provided music;
- Sing back a piano part to demonstrate your ability to learn by ear;
- Tap out rhythms to show your rhythmic abilities; and
- Sing with other members to demonstrate how your voice blends as well as how well you hold your part against other vocal parts.
Rehearsals are every Thursday from 7:30 - 10:00pm at the Church of Latter Day Saints, 3400 Sawtelle Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90066. There may be additional rehearsals learn choreography, for chamber ensemble, and one all-day (Saturday) rehearsal.
Dues of $225 are paid per season. There are 2 seasons per year. Dues cover the costs of running the chorale, including music purchase and reproduction, publicity, CD production, concert production, rehearsal space, and piano accompaniment. Scholarships are available. Payment arrangements (including scholarships) can be made prior to the first night of rehearsals with the business manager.
If you would like to set up an audition time, please fill out the Audition Request Form.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Q: What piece should I audition with? Are you looking for a particular style?
A: The choir has a diverse repertoire; therefore, you can choose any genre from classical to pop. What matters the most is how you sound, so choose a song that best reflects your voice.
Q: How many spaces are you looking to fill?
A: This varies from season to season, and depends on how many singers are returning to the choir each session. Additionally, we need to maintain a balance between voice parts.
Q: Is sight reading mandatory?
A: Sight reading skills are required for high voices, unless you are a strong soloist. We have limited space for new Sopranos and Altos, as we need to maintain balance between all of the sections, so only those with strong skills will be considered. These requirements can be relaxed for Tenors or Basses.
Q: When will I be notified about my audition results?
A: We let everyone know the results after the final day of auditions.
Q: When do you perform?
A: We have two main concerts per year: the first Saturday and Sunday in June, and the first Saturday and Sunday in December. We also have other exciting gigs that come up throughout the year and perform as we are called upon.
Q: What is your concert attire? Do you wear robes?
A: The choir wears all black. We do not wear robes or any other uniform.
Q: I haven’t sung in a choir or taken voice lessons before. Will I be good enough to make the choir?
A: Generally, most of our singers have choral or solo experience. We will review your singer information form upon submission to evaluate your experience. If you have any questions about your abilities, please include a note when you request an audition.
Q: Is there an age requirement for joining ACC?
A: All singers must be 18 years of age or older.
Q: Do your singers get paid?
A: We are a non-profit organization; therefore, the singers do not get paid.
Q: Are there any choir fees or dues?
A: Yes, all singers pay dues. $225 per season (there are 2 seasons per year). The amount may change prior to each season. Payment arrangements (including scholarships) can be made prior to the first night of rehearsals with the business manager. There are many logistical responsibilities for both rehearsals and concert production, and we require all members to help with those responsibilities.
Q: When and where do you rehearse?
A: We rehearse on Thursday nights from 7:30pm to 10:00pm at the Church of Latter Day Saints, 3400 Sawtelle Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90066. There may be additional rehearsals to learn choreography, for chamber ensemble, and one all-day (Saturday) rehearsal.
Q: How are the Covid-19 sessions different?
A: We require you to send a copy of either your Covid vaccination card or your QR code stating that you have been vaccinated. Everyone must be vaccinated and boosted to participate in the season, and we wear masks to rehearse. Additionally, rehearsals have been modified to ensure the safety of all our members. Our Covid Compliance team works weekly to ensure we are conducting our rehearsals as safely as possible.