Donate to a specific program
You can donate directly to the Elizabeth Bailey Peterson Scholarship Fund which helps singers who need financial assistance with singer dues and certain touring costs. This is important, because our singers are also our creative force, and our largest pool of volunteers, and they are critical to us accomplishing our community-focused mission.
You can support Angel City Chorale every time you shop at no cost to you! It’s so easy. Ralphs donates a portion of the proceeds for the products you buy. Simply associate your Ralphs card with Angel City Chorale and you will immediately be supporting the choir at no cost to you. Please note that you need to re-associate your card with ACC each year.
For step by step instructions on enrolling your Ralphs card, visit their Community Contributions FAQ and see Question #13.
Amazon Smile
Now when you purchase items on Amazon you can be making a donation to Angel City Chorale. You simply shop on AmazonSmile (same products, prices) and the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to ACC.
Raise money for Angel City Chorale (ACC) just by searching the web and shopping online! Just choose ACC as your “Cause” at GoodShop. Whenever you shop online, you'll contribute to ACC. Click to see How it works.
Getting Involved
Are you interested in getting involved with Angel City Chorale but aren’t ready to audition? We have many opportunities for people who share our passion for community outreach through music. Contact us to see how you can get involved.
Employer Matching Gifts
A great way to double the impact of your monetary donation is through a matching contribution from your employer. In addition, their donation counts toward your Guardian Angel membership level.
Contact your HR department to find out if there's a matching program available for you.
Endowment Gifts
Endowments are a wonderful way to ensure that generations to come will enjoy ACC music while sustaining its community-building benefits.
Ways to make an endowment include adding ACC to your will, naming as the beneficiary of an IRA (or other retirement plan), Donor Advised Fund or Insurance Policy. Gifts of tangible property can also be set up in an endowment.
For more information, please contact Stacy Blair Young