Your gift helps Angel City Chorale, a California 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, purchase music, rent rehearsal space, and put on the amazing concerts you’ve grown to love! We are committed to making a difference in Los Angeles, and your donations help us reach out to the people in our community, achieve our mission and expand exciting programs such as our Tour of Hope Outreach Program to more venues here and abroad.
As an Arts Patron, you can help spread the joy of "Building Community One Song at a Time" by joining our Guardian Angel Program. You can become a Guardian Angel by making a tax-deductible contribution at any level of giving appropriate for your budget. We understand how much thought goes into your decisions regarding supportive giving. If you are considering making gifts of support this year, we respectfully invite you to join our musical family by donating to Angel City Chorale.
ACC is now collecting donations for the Amy Foundation Kids Fund -- to help bring the Youth Choir to Los Angeles in May 2018 for a week of cultural exploration, broadening horizons, and celebration through music.
You may also consider donating to the Elizabeth Bailey Peterson Scholarship Fund which will help choir members in need of financial assistance with tuition dues or expenses when ACC goes on tour.
If you have any questions, please call us at (310) 943-9231, or email us at We would be delighted to talk with you about your interest in supporting the Arts through choral music!
Guardian Angel Program
Please select your sponsorship level:
- Program listing for two concerts
- 2 free tickets in VIP seating area at next TWO concerts*
- Angel City Chorale Tote bag
- Program listing for two concerts
- 2 free tickets in VIP seating area at next concert*
- Program listing for two concerts
- 4 free tickets in VIP seating area at next TWO concerts *
- Attend open rehearsal; meet Artistic Director Sue Fink
- Angel City Chorale Tote bag
* With RSVP. Reserved seating is in the first few rows
Thank you! Your support helps us reach our goals.